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S.O.T.W #3 Voting thread is open!...................S.O.T.W #4 has started, new experience, The GRAPHIC EDITION!..............New Group Announcement, check out the announcement section!..........Also really looking for people to be part of the GFX Team, possible instant access if you are interested!..... Sorry all if you have started your entries for SOTW 4 but I recently changed the theme so go check it out!


 Request Guidelines

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Posts : 215
Join date : 2009-11-02

Request Guidelines Empty
PostSubject: Request Guidelines   Request Guidelines EmptyTue Nov 03, 2009 9:24 am

Request Rules
Please follow the rules or your request will be rejected.

<blockquote>I - POSTS
• Members making request here must have at least 15
non-spam posts. Non spam meaning making good posts such as CnC artworks
and so, not just a single word post or double triple posts. If you are
founding violating this, your request thread will be closed and moved
immediately. You are also allowed to make 1 request each 15 days.
Please do not abuse this.

• Please
provide a render or a stock. This will help speed up the process and
will be very helpful for the GFX Team member filling the request.

• This are the type of gfx request that we fill - Tags, Banners, Avatars, Logos & Wallpapers.
requesting, please mention which one you want. A guide will be provided
below to help you fill in your request. If you are requesting a banner,
please provide a link to your site. We do not do
animations. If u want animation on your request, u may ask along in
your request, but thats not our priority.

• Please do not
complain if it takes a while for us to fill your request. We are humans
too and we do this because we have a passion for art and enjoy helping
others. Generally speaking we can come up with a quality piece for you
pretty quickly. Sometimes within 24 hours after filling out your
request. If your request is not filled within 5days, kindly leave a polite reminder.


The designer of the art will own full rights to the image and the psd.
They may sell it, give it away, or do anything else they feel they need
to. Requesting members will only have wearing rights to the image. You
cannot use your requested image for classing rights or to enter any
competitions. Members found breaking this rule will be suspended!


The designers will be doing this as a free service, no payment will be
necessary but a donation or + reputation is always welcomed.
Show us some respect and we will show you the same.

Guideline for Filling in Requests
Please follow this guideline or your request will be rejected.
[*] [b]Type(banner, tag, etc):[/b]
[*] [b]Size in pixel:[/b]
[*] [b]Text:[/b]
[*] [b]Subtext:[/b]
[*] [b]Render/Stock URL:[/b]
[*] [b]Color Preferences:[/b]
[*] [b]Style: Grunge, Abstract, Vector, etc.:[/b]
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