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S.O.T.W #3 Voting thread is open!...................S.O.T.W #4 has started, new experience, The GRAPHIC EDITION!..............New Group Announcement, check out the announcement section!..........Also really looking for people to be part of the GFX Team, possible instant access if you are interested!..... Sorry all if you have started your entries for SOTW 4 but I recently changed the theme so go check it out!


 Site Rules

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Posts : 113
Join date : 2009-11-02
Location : Victoria, BC

Site Rules Empty
PostSubject: Site Rules   Site Rules EmptyMon Nov 02, 2009 7:16 pm

Please Read before posting

1.) Attacking other users is not allowed, which includes: "flaming", posting threads designed to antagonize or offend other users, and any other such actions subject to Administrator/Moderator discretion. This includes sending users harassing private messages and flaming or antagonizing content in signatures.

2.) Vulgar and/or offensive material is not permitted :
A. Swearing is limited.
This includes avoiding swear filters.
B. Vulgar language or pictures are not permitted.

3.) Spamming will not be tolerated, which includes: double posting: Use the EDIT button to add comments to your original post), excessive capital letter use, excessive punctuation use. Posting multiple threads containing similar content, registering multiple accounts for the purpose to making multiple similar posts or replying to oneself, long strings of letters or numbers, posting threads in the incorrect forum, and/or any post deemed spam due to irrelevance or nuisance in nature.

4.) Post should be written in a legible manner. Unreadable posts due to lack of punctuation, use of “l33t sp33k”, spelling, or other things mentioned in other rules are considered spam.

5.) The forums are not a personal message board. If you wish to talk to a specific user, please send him or her a private message or e-mail him or her.

6.) Using this site for personal gain, such as posting threads about selling personal belongings or other items, is strictly prohibited.

7.) No references or glorification of illegal drugs / controlled substance use or abuse. (This one isn't too strict, but still stands.)

8.) It is a violation of the rules to post or otherwise spread information on how to hack and/or cheat/glitch in any game as well as discussing and or instructing towards any other activities that are deemed to be illegal in the United States of America.

9.) No advertising of websites in posts, private messages, or visitor messages.! You can add the website to your profile.

Important : If the sole intention of your signature and posts are to attract other people just to click on your link, You could be banned or suspended for this. Some examples of this are signatures that have the following included : "Download Now" , "Free Games" , "Click here now" , and similar crap like that. Over the years, it is apparent spammers are getting wiser...But in my opinion more stupid as their wasting their time to have 1 or 2 clicks to their useless site. You can still link to other sites in your sig, as long as its done in a civil manner. Example : "Your Site Name".

10.) Public comments made for the effect of criticizing or insulting the staff members or actions will not be tolerated. Severe punishment for these actions will be issued. This affects comments made in the public forums as a means of inciting hatred or instigating arguments between staff members and/or regular users. This includes posting personal information (real name, address, company info ,etc) about a staff and/or regular user without their approval. If a complaint is to be filed, doing so in person with an administrator via PM, IM, or email is fully allowed and encouraged.

11.) You cannot use a website address as a username. If you do this by mistake, our staff will contact you to change it to another name.

If you fail to follow the rules:
1. Warning
2. Post deletion or edit without notice
3. Thread closure
4. Temporary or complete banishment from this website and the associated forums and/or relating properties, with or without prior warning, as seen fit by the moderators and administrators.

All forum rules subject to change without notice at the discretion of the site's administrators.
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